
GICG’s confidentiality

confiGICG is committed to maintaining the confidentiality of information our clients entrust to us as it is our ethical duty. It is also a principle of client services that is of paramount importance to us. Our policies on confidentiality and safeguarding of your information are as follows:

Privacy Policy Statement

When we provide consultancy services to you, we may obtain non-public, personal information about you:

  • From you, orally or in documents and other materials you provide to us; and
  • From others, in connection with the transactions or other matters we handle for you.

We do not disclose any non-public, personal information about our clients or former clients to anyone outside the firm, except with the client’s consent.

Inside GICG, we restrict access to your non-public, personal information to members of the firm and to employees of the firm who have agreed to maintain the confidentiality of our clients’ information.

All our employees are subject to our privacy policy, which is reinforced in our written guidelines. We maintain physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards to guard your non-public personal information.