Shipping Industry in Malta

Malta has a centuries old Maritime tradition. The strategic location of the Maltese Islands in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea, its natural harbours, and the entrepreneurial and maritime skills of its people have, conspired with its history and millennial culture to transform this European sovereign state into an international maritime service centre. The long history of maritime tradition has led to the establishment of the Maltese flat as a reputable flag of choice and quality through the open Maltese register for ships bar boat charters and mortgages.

Few reasons why one should choose the Maltese flag:

  • Shipping-Industry-in-Malta2Low cost for company formation, ship registration and tonnage tax costs, progressive reduction in registration and tonnage tax costs for younger ships
  • No restriction on the nationality of the master, officer and crew
  • No restriction on the sale or transfer of shares of a company owning Maltese ships
  • No restriction on the sale and mortgaging of Maltese ships
  • No trading restriction and, preferential treatment to Maltese ships in certain ports
  • Malta is an international maritime centre providing the whole range of maritime services
  • Serious and efficient maritime administration
  • Flag state inspectorate to ensure adherence to international standards